ReGenesis Therapy is performed 1x per week, and it takes less than 10 minutes. In that 10 minute session the users test their peak muscle strength
and peak muscle endurance. While testing the users are providing a high level of stimulus
to the soft tissues, such as muscle and bone which promotes their regeneration and growth.
ReGenesis has three basic positions. The Chest Press, Leg Press and the Shoulder Shrug. These three positions allow the user to effectively stimulate the major muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments of the body. The user is in an Optimal Biomechanical Position
for each of the positions, allowing them to produce the maximum level of force
achievable. This Optimal Biomechanical Position also creates a very low joint torque
for the knees, shoulder and elbow allowing for a safe and pain free movement. This high level of force
is what activates the principles of soft tissue regeneration.