Referring friends and family:
By referring friends and family to ReGenesis Therapy you can earn a recurring revenue stream based on the amount of people you refer. For each person that is referred and becomes a member there is a $10 referral fee which occurs monthly. This referral fee will be paid out each month as long as the person referred maintains their membership. There is no limit the amount of people who can be referred and no limit on the referral fee. This program is limited to the first 1000 people who become members.
Business site locations:
Businesses that place a ReGenesis unit in their facility will receive 30% proceeds per user per month (i.e. Pilates, Yoga, Chiropractor, Medical Clinics, Gyms, etc.). There is no monthly charge to have a ReGenesis unit placed at a business. It only has to make business sense for our organization and the potential business location. This is an excellent opportunity to provide businesses with an ongoing revenue stream which ties directly into their current business model. There is inherently zero risk for the business.
Charitable Organizations:
We will donate 10% of our proceeds to charitable organizations which are related to our social cause of healthy aging including American Association of Retired People (AARP), National Council on Aging (NCOA). International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF). We feel that together our program and message will be much stronger by giving back to those that have aligning missions and goals.